What makes Bryan Cranston so watchable? Maybe it’s something to do with the fact that he’s a complex character and that comes across in his acting. I first ‘discovered’ him in The Upside. Yeah, I was one of the few people who hadn’t watched Breaking Bad. When my granddaughter added me to her Netflix account, I binge watched the entire series. Can you say addictive? Ha ha. See what I did there?
I recently read his book, A Life In Parts and it’s a fantastic biography.
Cranston worked hard to reach the level he’s at and doesn’t mind telling us about his failures along the way… although there weren’t many.
I’ve always thought him to be funny, but the other takeaways from the book are that he’s a loyal friend and co-worker and that he’s not afraid to give credit to the other guy.
I wish him luck in whatever he chooses to do next. Bryan Cranston is a real mensch.
The link to his biography is HERE