Every once in a while a story comes along that captures our imagination. I first heard about Sixto Rodriguez on the highly regarded programme ‘Q’ on CBC radio. Jian Gomeshi interviewed Swedish director Malik Bendjelloul, who had been down to his last dollar on the project.
What is it about stories like this? Stories where good things come to people who’ve been wronged? It’s amazing to see Sixto Rodriguez being interviewed about how he became one of the voices of change in South Africa. He isn’t resentful or angry, and yet his music had become wildly popular without his knowledge.
What impresses me the most is that when his songs didn’t ‘catch on’ – in my opinion he was ahead of his time – he put his head down and did tough, physical work in demolition to support his family in Detroit. And – wait for it – he gained a degree in philosophy from Wayne State.
I had to take a short car trip this morning and guess which CD I played? You’ve got it – Searching For Sugarman. I know which documentary I’ll be cheering for on awards night!